February 2011 Archives

I hope you all can make it for Swami Nikhilanand's next program, the 8 day Gita classes in New York, which will be starting next week. The details for that event have been posted below.

Well tonight was the last night of the Fairfax Station program. Everyone enjoyed an incredible 3 days at Durga Mandir, Virginia (click pics below for full size view).

Speeches with Swami Nikhilanand, pracharak of Jagadguru Kripaluji MaharajChantings with Swami Nikhilanand, pracharak of Jagadguru Kripaluji MaharajThe occasion was very much anticipated by the Hindu community in Fairfax Station and surrounding areas. Swami Nikhilanand of JKP Barsana Dham, gave insightful and inspiring answers to the 3 important questions answered by our Hindu scriptures, from the teachings of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj:

1. Why is the human form of life the most important?
2. What is the goal of human life?
3. How can I attain that goal?

The program included Sanskrit shlokas and beautiful chantings by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj which touched the heart and inspired Divine love in the heart of everyone present.

To keep abreast of the all the latest events by Swami Nikhilanand of JKP Barsana Dham, make sure to subscribe to the facebook fanpage.

Update March 15th, 2011: A few people were asking if Swami Nikhilanand could give a brief answer to the questions discussed over the three days, e.g. what is the goal of human life. Swami Nikhilanand replied that:

"The answer to this question is very simple. The purpose of human life is to attain God. Every human desires happiness, and only God is perfect happiness. Every soul naturally desires happiness because he is eternally related to God, Who Himself is perfect happiness. For a deeper explanation on this topic, please see the first chapter of the book by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, "Prem Ras Siddhant". (Available at any of the JKP ashrams in India, or at the JKP online bookstore."

From Sri Meenakshi Temple blog: Swami Nikhilanand Visits VHS on Jan 23, 2011

Vedic Heritage School is extremely grateful to the Sri Meenakshi Temple board members for inviting Swami Nikhilanand Bhaiya and asking Swamiji to talk with our Vedic Heritage School students.

It was a great moment to see our Vedic Heritage School students (both juniors and seniors) asking questions about the three different worlds that Swamiji talked
about. Our VHS students conduct was very pleasing to see during the Q&A session.

We are personally thankful to the all teachers and volunteers cooperation and support before, during and after the Swamiji's lectures. Like every other program in the past, we have received great compliments from the teachers, volunteers and the MTS board members.

As we anticipate there is always confusion when scheduling and pulling together an event like this, in a short notice. This event was no exception, but we greatly appreciate the cooperation and flexibility shown by the people who were lost and found itdisappointing initially. Now, when we reflect upon it, in the end - this event began well and finished well. Once again as always, this is a collective effort, all us of gave our best
to make it happen.

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