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Bhagavad Gita at Unitarian Universalist Society Stamford by Kripalu Ji Maharaj disciple

Family Gita Class Chapters 13 - 18, with Swami Nikhilanand, sanyasi pracharak of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

A class for kids, youth & parents
... adults without kids also welcome

· Each day we will cover the main topics of one chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in a fun & interactive way that emphasizes the practical concepts that can be applied in daily life
· Each day will conclude with a family game of Jeopardy to review that chapter's knowledge
· Prizes for perfect attendance
· Class material appropriate for ages 6 & up

Venue: The Unitarian Universalist Society
20 Forest Street,
Stamford, Connecticut 06904

Dates & Time:
Monday, March 31 - Saturday, April 5th
7:00 - 8:30 pm daily
Dinner prasad will be served daily after the programs

Info & Registration: Call Vineet Kapoor at 706-888-4734

Swami Nikhilanand is a disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj, speaking all over the U.S. about various aspects of Hinduism and the path of bhakti. He has an immense understanding of Sanatan Dharm and a unique ability to capture his audience (adults and children alike) with the scientific and logical basis of the universal principles of Hinduism, devotion and meditation.

Gita teachings of Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj at Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut
Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj sanyasi pracharak, Swami Nikhilanand, to deliver FREE week-long series of Bhagwad Gita classes for parents and kids at Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut  

RSVP via Swami Nikhilanand's official facebook page: Click here

Free Spring Break Program with Swami Nikhilanand, sanyasi disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj and teacher at JKP Radha Madhav Dham

Sun, April 14th 4:00-6:00pm
Mon- Fri, April 15-19 7:00-8:30pm
Sat, April 20 7:00-9:00pm

Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut
96 Chapel St.,
Connecticut 06614
Phone: (203) 375-9898

Day 1: Four ways to surrender to God.
Day 2: What happens at the moment of death.
Day 3: Is the soul the same as God.
Day 4: The general & special Grace of God.
Day 5: The origin of the universe & the omnipotence of God.
Day 6: Arjun's Divine Vision.
Day 7: Devotion to personal of formless God.

Dinner will be served daily after prayer.

Disciple of Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj presents Bhagavad Gita in Connecticut

Free Spring Break Program: Essentials of the Gita for Parents & their Children

with Swami Nikhilanand, disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj and sanyasi pracharak of of JKP, Radha Madhav Dham

Dates & Times:

Sun-Sat, April 15-21, 2012

Sun, April 15 4:00-6:00pm

Mon-Fri, April 16-20 7:00-8:30pm

Sat, April 21 7:00-9:00pm

Dinner will be served daily after the program


Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut

96 Chapel St,


Connecticut 06614


More info:


Past highlights:


Day 1: What is the Gita?

Day 2: Who am I? Understanding the true self.

Day 3: Why do we want? The secret of desires.

Day 4: Why do we do wrong things?

Day 5: The secret of Krishn's avatar.

Day 6: How long have souls been apart from God?

Day 7: Meditation & control of the mind.

• separate instruction for adults

& youth (age 6 & up)

• prizes for top scores and perfect attendance

• for info and to register your kids:

call Dinesh Jaaswal at (203) 329-2686

Enhanced by Zemanta

Karm Yog of the Gita: How to Practically Apply It in Life

Discourse & kirtan by Swami Nikhilanand of JKP Radha Madhav Dham

Feb 10 & 11, 2012
Friday, February 10 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Saturday, February 11 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Presented by Hindu Cultural Center of Connecticut
96 Chapel Street
Connecticut 06614

Feb 10- What is karm yog; who is a true karm yogi?
Feb 11- What is the benefit of listening to Krishn leelas?

Swami Nikhilanand of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat to give Bhagavad Gita in ConnecticutSwami Nikhilanandji's highly acclaimed 'Essentials of Gita' class in New York, which takes place from time to time, is the definitive source of Hindu scriptural learning for parents and youth. It offers a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of modern living, and gives participants a chance to get crystal clear answers to questions such as who are we, what is our purpose in life, who is God, what is our relationship with God etc., under the guidance of a profound and prolific speaker of Bhagavad Gita. This 3-day lecture in Connecticut is a more concise lecture series on how to actually apply the karm yog of the Bhagavad Gita in daily life.

Bhaiyaji studied Bhagavad Gita at its deepest levels under the guidance of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaji, and he was one of the presiding leaders at the 6th Global Gita Conference in New York in 2008. If you live in Connecticut, and have a curiosity to study how to practically apply Bhagavad Gita in life, this event is for you. Questions and answers sessions will be available throughout the lecture series. The event is FREE.

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