More than 100 adults and 50 youth attended all seven days of the course entitled "Essentials of the Gita for Children & their Parents". The course, which took place in Long Island , NY, during this year's mid-winter school recess, was presented by Swami Nikhilanand, a disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.
Due to the unprecedented response, Â Swami Nikhilanand, a disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj will return to the Vaishnav Community Center, New York, to present a sequel called 'Essentials of the Gita: Part II'. This 7-day course will be held from March 27 - April 2 2010 and will focus on Bhagavad Gita chapters seven to thirteen.
Venue: Vaishnav Community Center
100 Lakeville Road
New Hyde Park
NY 11040
Dates: Sat, March 27th 2010 - Fri, April 2nd 2010
Time: Sat 19:00 -20:30
Sun 13:00 - 15:00
Mon -Fri : 19:00-20:30
Contact: Rohit Sharma (516) 281-5973
Cost: Free
Web: www.SwamiNikhilanand.com/facebook
The topics for the camp are:

March 28: What happens at the moment of deathÂ
March 29: The general & special Grace of GodÂ
March 30: The origin of the Universe & the omnipotence of God
March 31: Arjun's Divine vision
April 1: Devotion to personal or formless God
April 2: Qualities of God, souls & maya
Do not miss this opportunity to provide the invaluable gift of Hindu culture and values to your children and your family. Dinner prasad will be served following the program each day.
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