Essentials of the Gita (June 6 - 12, Houston)

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Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj

JKP Barsana Dham & Hindus of Greater Houston present:

"Essentials of the Gita for Children & Their Parents" with Swami Nikhilanand, a pracharak of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj (Separate instructions for adults & youth)

Swami Nikhilanand Ji, a pracharak of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, and a representative of JKP Barsana Dham, is visiting Houston to present a summer holiday program on the Essentials of the Gita for Children & Their Parents. This 7-day Course will include spiritually uplifting discourses and classes in English and beautiful kirtan led by Swami Nikhilanand Ji. Please invite your family and friends in Houston.

Dates: June 6th - 12th 2010
Times: Sunday    10:00 -12:00
            Mon - Sat  19:00 - 20:30
Venue: Keshav Smruti, 
            4018 Westhollow Parkway
            Houston, TX 77082
Call: Dharminder Dargan (281) 531-4332
Cost: Free

Main Topics:
Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Presents Basics of Hindusim HoustonJune 6th धर्म और कर्मयोग: Introduction to the Gita
June 6th आत्म बोध:  Understanding the true self
June 7th पाप का बीज: Why do we do wrong things?
June 8th अवतार रहस्य: The secret of Krishn's descension
June 9th सद्गुरु: How to recognize a true Saint
June 10th रूप ध्यान: Meditation and control of the mind
June 11th कामना और प्रेम: What to ask from God

Dinner prasad served daily following the programs. Prizes will be awarded for perfect attendance & top exam scores. Youth will play Jeopardy every day to review knowledge.
Click thumbnail to view full event flyer.

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This page contains a single entry by Administrator published on April 24, 2010 2:56 AM.

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