Senior preacher of Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, Sushree Braj Banchary Didi, from Toronto, Canada, will share the secrets of Krishn's descension during her enlightening discourse, "Avatar Rahasya."
Join our festive program and experience the beauty of arti, kirtan and darshan in a devotional environment among your family and friends. Keep Hindu traditions alive by attending Radha Madhav Dham's Krishn Janmashtmi celebrations.
Program Schedule:
5:00 pm Dinner Prasad
7:00 pm Singing of Bhajans
7:15 pm Discourse by Shree Braj Banchari
8:00 pm "Gokul Nirgam" dance drama by Soorya Performing Arts of St. Louis 9:00 pm Bal Krishn Arti
9:45 pm Swing baby Krishn, Kirtan and Darshan
Midnight Bal Krishn Arti
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Concurrent Youth Program
Parking is $5.00 per car
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