Happy Sharat Poornima 2011 and 90th Birthday of Shree Kripaluji Maharaj

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Maharas leela lovingly performed at Radha Madhav Dham, Austin, by the devotees of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj on Sharat Poornima night.

Sharat Poornima (शरत्‌ पूर्णिमा) is that Divine night when Radha Krishn revealed the supreme Bliss of maharas to uncountable Gopis in Vrindaban about 5,000 years ago. It is the full moon night which falls in October. This day is very precious in our lives for an additional reason as well: our beloved Shree Maharajji appeared on that night in 1922 in Mangarh, India.

Swami Nikhilanand is currently staying at Bhakti Dham ashram where our beloved Shree Maharajji is celebrating his 90th birthday with all the devotees. Early morning at 2am on the day of his birthday, devotees gather outside the room of Shree Maharajji for ecstatic kirtan which continues throughout the morning. Later, Shree Maharajji throws handfuls and handfuls of candy to all the devotees in a celebratory style. Throughout the day, devotees have the joy of Shree Kripaluji Maharaj visiting their rooms, doing charan pooja to him, continuous kirtan, arti... Later in the day, Shree Maharajji cuts a decorated cake which is lovingly prepared by devotees. In the evening, there are dances and entertaining cultural programs to celebrate the occasion.

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