Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj's Antim Sanskar and Next Steps

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Shree Maharaj Ji's Antim Sanskar and Next Steps 

Message from Radha Madhav Dham 

Dear Devotees and Supporters of Radha Madhav Dham,

Radhey Radhey.

The antim sanskar (last rite) of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj has concluded at Bhakti Dham, Mangarh in what can be described as one of the most devotional and peaceful ceremonies.

The day began with Arti in Bhakti Bhavan (satsang hall at Bhakti Dham). Amidst the sounds of Vedic hymns, conches and chants of the Radhey name, Shree Maharaj Ji was prepared for His last journey. Carrying Him on their shoulders, devotees performed parikrama of Bhakti Bhavan and placed Him on a chariot for a massive procession that was attended by tens of thousands of devotees. Performing parikrama of Bhakti Dham, the procession entered the courtyard of Bhakti Mandir. Shree Maharaj Ji was again carried by devotees as they performed parikrama of Bhakti Mandir and agonizingly brought Him to the pyre.

In this moment of extreme grief, it is natural for us to feel helpless and hopeless. We must, however, remind ourselves what an embodiment of inspiration Shree Maharaj Ji was and how He spent His entire life teaching, prodding and guiding souls to engage in selfless devotion to Radha Krishna. Following His inspiration, we must not forget to steadfastly continue our devotion and follow the path shown to us by Him.

As for the feeling of helplessness or hopelessness is concerned, though it is understandable, there should be no place for either in the devotees of Shree Maharaj Ji. Shree Maharaj Ji has said in His speeches that once a soul surrenders to a Guru and continues to maintain faith in Him, the Guru never leaves the soul. As long as we remain committed to the path of raganuga bhakti that has been shown to us by Shree Maharaj Ji and maintain our faith in Him, He was, is and will remain our Guru, our Divine Guide and our Divine Protector for not only this life but until we reach our goal of attaining Radha Krishna. He will continue to grace, guide and help us just as He did, and as we have experienced, when He was still on the earth yet not physically present with us.

In the days, months and years to come, we will work hard to spread Shree Maharaj Ji's teachings as far and wide as possible. With increasing determination, we will strive to inspire others the way we've been inspired ourselves. We will continue to maintain and expand the vast charitable activities initiated by Shree Maharaj Ji and carried out by Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. Radha Madhav Dham will continue to celebrate all major Hindu festivals, organize devotional intensives, and family camps. We will continue to welcome thousands of visitors, regardless of their background, with a commitment and desire to inspire in them the spark of selfless devotion to Radha Krishna. Overall, we will spare no efforts in sharing with others the immense devotional treasure Shree Maharaj Ji has endowed us. 

Our winter family camp will be held from December 26 to 31 followed by 24 hour New Year nam sankirtan that will conclude on January 1. Our annual sadhana shivir (devotional intensive), as announced by Shree Maharaj Ji Himself during this year's intensive, will be held every year for two weeks in the summer. The 2014 Radha Madhav Dham sadhana shivir will be held from June 28 to July 12. I hope to see you at one of our events soon. 

As we all learn to live and perform the invaluable seva of carrying out Shree Maharaj Ji's mission without His physical presence, I humbly seek your help and support for the activities of Radha Madhav Dham.

Jai Shree Radhey.
Chirag Patel, Ph.D.
Managing Member
Radha Madhav Dham

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